Hero Headlines: Doing Our Best!

Safe. Respectful. Responsible.

Greetings, Meadow Brook Partners!

My wife and I have four kids. We describe our seven-year-old as the creative explorer.

This personality type makes him incredibly interesting and fun to be around when he’s engaged in a project, or telling us about a discovery, or enthusiastically demonstrating a new skill. The same makes it challenging to support him when he’s frustrated.

He’s sensitive. When he’s frustrated he gets upset with himself and anyone else in the general vicinity. He shows his frustration with the same passion that he shows his enthusiasm with. It’s challenging to watch him frustrated. It appears almost painful, and as anyone reading this message knows, it’s challenging to see kids in pain, particularly our own.

We want to help and I think we can with this caveat – we have to be ok with the journey. Our help doesn’t always sink in right away. In fact, it usually doesn’t.

In education we say, “They don’t always blossom on our watch.”

We mean that the kids we serve each year don’t typically demonstrate that our interactions are pieces of their growth puzzles.  They are, though.

A few days ago I was reminded that we achieve peace when we understand that doing our best is good enough.

Let’s continue to remind our kids that we’re looking for effort over big wins, grit over high scores, creativity over lists of facts.

Let’s continue to remind them that doing their best is good enough.  Let’s encourage it.  Let’s support it.  Let’s celebrate it.

While they may not blossom on our watch, we have the power to contribute to peaceful, joyful, and fruitful learning journeys for each and every one of them.

They are each unique.  They will each take unique paths.  One thing they can each do is their individual best.

Let’s continue to do our best to intentionally support that.

Thank you for you patience and your partnership…in it together for the kids.

Here’s to another joyful Meadow Brook Week!

Wishing you a joyful weekend!



Seth E. Berg


Meadow Brook Elementary

Call: (248) 726 -4101

Click: sberg@rochester.k12.mi.us

My Reflective Journey: Berg’s Eye View


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