A ThinkMBE Classroom Connection: Active Listening

[Message from Robin Czarniowski – 3rd/4th Grade MBE Teacher]

On Monday some 3rd and 4th grade Meadow Brook Heroes participated in an active listening lesson.

The students were given 4 minutes to draw a colorful monster.

They then sat back to back with a partner.

Partner 1 gave step by step oral directions on drawing their monster while partner 2 tried to recreate the monster. Roles were then reversed.

There was lively discussion and laughter as the kids compared the copied monster with the original.

We held a class discussion on the challenges of listening with purpose, as well as the challenges of giving clear, concise directions.

The objective of the lesson was to practice our listening skills, engagement, and social interaction skills.

It worked!  Can’t wait to continue on this Active Listening journey.  Stay tuned for more!


4 thoughts on “A ThinkMBE Classroom Connection: Active Listening

    1. Thanks for reading and engaging, Emily! Indeed, it was fun for all! Mrs. Czarniowski was extremely excited at the results, both the drawings and the incredible dialogue that followed the activity. A wonderful culture-builder! Thanks, again! Wishing you a joyful weekend!

  1. This is a great activity to do while building an object as well. I have a Corporate Training & Development background and I led a similar activity with a group of people in which lego blocks were used. Very powerful!
    I am certain the classroom activity was a hit with the kids!!

    1. It was, Holly. Mrs. Czarionski told me that the students were not only super engaged during the activity, but that they extended the activity by talking about their thinking around how it helped them strengthen relationships and communication skills. I can imagine that this kind activity would do the same with adults. Maybe something to do with staff down the line. Thanks for sharing your story and your thoughts!

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