West Door Student Pick Up Input

We continuously working to enhance our drop off and pick up processes at Meadow Brook.

If you use the parking lot and the west door to pick up your student(s) you may have noticed that we recently moved all bus pick ups to the east side of the building in an effort to diminish congestion and enhance safety.

We are still looking for input.

If you have any ideas regarding enhancing the pick up process on the west side of the building please use this form to submit them: MBE West Door Pick Up Input Form

Thank you!

Your MBE Safe Routes To School Team

2 thoughts on “West Door Student Pick Up Input

  1. Release students at 3:50 for the car line. At 3:55, have an announcement over the intercom that all kids with a last name starting with A-G to go to the walker doors. Three minutes later, H-P, three min later Q-Z. This will help for several reasons:

    1) It would make the car line more attractive.
    2) Most of the cars will have passed through the car line thus making it safer on the streets for walkers going home.
    3) Staggering the children going to the walker doors by the first letter of the last name will help with the congestion of children leaving the building. It will also allow parents to get all their kids at once and leave (thus less car traffic, see #4) versus waiting around for all their kids to come out.
    4) Staggering the children going to the walker doors will also make for less congestion as cars are trying to leave the parking lot.

    1. Thank you for this input, Jamie. I will bring it to our team for reflection. Please touch base any time with any further thoughts, ideas, or questions. I appreciate your partnership on behalf of all Meadow Brook students! Have a wonderful weekend!

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